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Love YA Like Crazy

Welcome to Love YA Like Crazy, where Carrie and Jake rant about young adult books. Beware, there are lots of spoilers and often lots of swearing!

Apr 16, 2016

For this episode, Carrie and Jake discuss 'citizenchip', Wil Howitt's 2015 science fiction novel about a young AI. It's available as an ebook from and Amazon (it's not available in a print edition).

We also pick robot names for ourselves, ponder the joys of being a kitchen lobster or a bus, and Jake ruins everything. Spoilers abound, so we recommend reading the book before listening!

In the next episode, we'll be discussing 'Grasshopper Jungle' by Andrew Smith, an apocalyptic coming of age story that captivated us both, even as it made both of us us deeply uncomfortable.

Also sometime soon, we plan to watch and comment on 2014's 'Vampire Academy'. You can see a trailer at .

If you have any comments or suggestions, join us on our facebook group at, or tweet to us at, or email us at podcast at We'd love to hear from you!

Thanks to Shaenon K. Garrity for designing the Love YA Like Crazy icon, to the Sentimental Favorites for the use of their song 'Hey There', and to Charlie McCarron for the 'Love YA Like Crazy' tag. This episode also featured Jake's song 'My Litle Lobster'.

Table of Contents

  • 00:00 - Carrie and Jake say hello
  • 00:28 - Episode introduction
  • 02:50 - Discussion of 'citizenchip'
  • 34:39 - Coming attractions and (lack of) reader mail
  • 40:07 - Episode outroduction
  • 40:15 - 'My Little Lobster'

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Love YA Like Crazy is a member of the Ear Trumpet Audio podcast network! You can find more information about the network at .