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Love YA Like Crazy

Welcome to Love YA Like Crazy, where Carrie and Jake rant about young adult books. Beware, there are lots of spoilers and often lots of swearing!

Nov 15, 2019

For this episode, Carrie and Jake take a little break to discuss the first episode of HBO's 'His Dark Materials'. We talk about the cast, the infodumps, the soundtrack, whether Taggle is a character, and what Lord Asriel's whole deal is. Spoilers abound!

Love YA Like Crazy has also previously taken on the books that 'His Dark Materials' is based on -- look for the The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass episodes to hear what we had to say.

In the next episode, we'll get back to our roots and discuss Ray Bradbury's 'Something Wicked This Way Comes'.

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Thanks to Shaenon K. Garrity for designing the Love YA Like Crazy icon, to the Sentimental Favorites for the use of their song 'Hey There', and to Charlie McCarron for the 'Love YA Like Crazy' tag.

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