Jul 15, 2015
For this episode, Carrie and Jake discuss Gwenda Bond's 2015 novel 'Fallout', which is available in hardcover and as an ebook from most booksellers.
Spoilers abound, so we recommend reading the book before listening! There is also some swearing, along with discussions of ten-dollar words, nerdfighters, mediocre secret identities, and why having a dragon is baller. Jake also puts a blanket over his head at one point. You don't get that kind of thing in the Slate Audio Book Club!
In the next episode, we'll be discussing Ellen Raskin's 1978 classic 'The Westing Game'.
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Thanks to Shaenon K. Garrity for designing the Love YA Like Crazy icon, to the Sentimental Favorites for the use of their song 'Hey There', and to Charlie McCarron for the 'Love YA Like Crazy' musical sting.
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Love YA Like Crazy is a member of the Ear Trumpet Audio podcast network! You can find more information about the network at http://eartrumpetaudio.com/ .