Jul 19, 2017
Like a double-chocolate milkshake at Pop's, Riverdale seems sweet at first but leaves you wishing for death. Jake and Carrie love trashy YA fiction, and would love to have you join them in their new series, "Cry Me a Riverdale", where they will spoil the infamous CW show, swear a lot, and wonder if anyone in Riverdale is lactose intolerant.
The first episode is available to everyone, and later episodes will be available only to Ear Trumpet Audio Patreon backers at the $5/month or higher level. We plan to release about an episode a week, possibly alternating with other discussions of other TV series by other Ear Trumpet Audio members. The Patreon page can be found at https://www.patreon.com/eartrumpet .
Regardless of whether you decide to pledge at that level, we hope you enjoy our discussion of Riverdale Chapter 1: The River's Edge, and we thank you for listening!
The theme song is "JOSIE HAS THE UPPER HAND" by Josh Woodward. Free download: http://joshwoodward.com/