May 17, 2021
This episode, Jake and Carrie discuss 'The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Chapter 7: Feast of Feasts'. Carrie has the Shinning! Jake connects ex-GW Bush scriptwriter and current Never Trumper David Frum to satanic rituals! There's a subplot we actually kind of like! And some we're not as fond of. Give it a listen and see what you think!
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In this episode, we reference a tweet by Mara Wilson and an essay by philosopher John Holbo. (Incidentally, while putting together these show notes, I found out that Holbo had tweeted out some updates regarding that essay a couple of years ago.)
This episode includes a clip from the Simpsons episode 'Treehouse of Horror V', the overture from the movie 'Cannibal: The Musical', and a brief portion of the Velvet Underground song 'Venus in Furs'.
Thanks to Shaenon K. Garrity for designing the Love YA Like Crazy icon, to the Sentimental Favorites for the use of their song 'Hey There', and to Charlie McCarron for the 'Love YA Like Crazy' tag.
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