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Love YA Like Crazy

Welcome to Love YA Like Crazy, where Carrie and Jake rant about young adult books. Beware, there are lots of spoilers and often lots of swearing!

Jun 30, 2017

It's been quite a busy time at Love YA Like Crazy manor! There are a few things that we wanted to let you know about:

  1. We recorded a guest episode of the Lifemark podcast, on which we talked about the Hallmark movie 'Beverly Lewis's "The Shunning"'. We recommend you check our episode out! (And other Lifemark episodes, too -- it's a really fun podcast!) You can find our episode on the Lifemark feed, or online at .
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  2. We joined the Ear Trumpet Audio podcast network! We're psyched to be asked to join a network with so many other awesome shows. You can find more information about the network at , and you can find its Patreon page at .
  3. Next week, we'll be guests on the Death Prattle podcast, on which we'll talk about the YA book 'The Boy in the Black Suit' by Jason Reynolds. We plan to also release the episode here on Love YA Like Crazy, but if we decide to do something else we'll let you know -- but, either way, we like Death Prattle a lot and recommend you check it out at or wherever you normally get podcasts!
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